Campbell Town Show 2019
This year I will be trading at the historic Campbell Town Show on Friday 31st May and Saturday 1st June. Hope to see lots of familiar faces in the crowds. As this will be my first year in, it will be a bit of a learning curve for me. I will of course be taking lots and lots of my hand dyed Tasmanian Merino wool top in all the new colours unless they sell out before hand. I have been working hard trying to catch up on some felting projects and you will have to come and see what I have been felting and spinning for the past few weeks.
Now for a bit of back ground on this great event from the official Campbell Town Show website
The Campbell Town Show Tasmania is a traditional agricultural show, however we also host the Cocktail Party on the Friday evening and play host to the famous AWI Fashion Parade on the Saturday. There is all the fun of the sideshow alleys, rides, games, pet parade, food stalls and many other family oriented fun activities.
We aim to give you and your family a great day out while promoting the diverse and amazing Agriculture of the Tasmanian Midlands.

Exhibition Hall
The Exhibition Hall includes home cooking, preserving, agricultural produce, floral displays as well photography, arts…
Exhibition Hall
Key Dates
Entries Open – Paper & Online Entries are NOW OPEN.
Entries Close – Friday 17th May 6 pm – No Late Entries will be accepted
School Drop Off & Hanging Day – Wednesday 29th May 9 am
Judging Day – Thursday 30th May
Adult and Junior Exhibit Pick Up – Saturday 1st June 3 – 4 pm
School Exhibit Pick Up – Saturday 1st June 4 pm
Entry Fees
Adult Entry – $3.00 per exhibit
Junior Entry – $1.00 per exhibit
School Entry – $1.00 per exhibit or $50.00 total (whichever is the lower amount)
Exhibition Hall Committee
Chairperson – Bridget Walch Ph: 0408 586 140 Email:
MAA Executive Representative – Bridget Walch Ph: 0408 586 140 Email :
School Entries Administrator – Bridget Walch Ph: 0408 586 140 Email:
Exhibition Hall Schedules
Please find Schedules for three Sections below:
2019 Exhibition Hall Schedule – Adult
2019 Exhibition Hall Schedule – Junior
2019 Exhibition Hall Schedule – Schools
Exhibition Hall Entry Forms
Please find Entry forms for each Section below:
2019 Adult and Junior Entry Form
Exhibition Hall Information
You can find more information about Exhibition Hall entries here….